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Middlemarch Hikes

Tuesday, 9:30-16:00

This is a hiking group for those who have had surgery or are reaching the age of shorter and slower hikes but still want to go up into the mountains; periodically our younger and fitter members disappear to pastures new, but the core of the group is still pretty solid and valid!

We regularly celebrate birthdays and this is usually via a hike and a picnic.  With a bit of luck, we get to do snowshoeing up at Greolieres les Neiges.  It’s always fun, and new members are welcome to try us out and see if it is their scene!

You need hiking insurance with the Fedération Francaise de la Randonnée Pédestre (FFRP), which the club arranges. 

Contact Leader

If you are insured with FFRP through another Club, please email Gillian a copy of your licence. She can also provide you all the information you need to join the insurance scheme.

We do not accept RandoPass holders

Apply or Renew Insurance

CONTACT US :  contact@iwcr.org

The Grange - 815 chemin des Gourettes 06370 Mouans-Sartoux  

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